So I am adding a store.....

So in my journey in this lovely world of photography I noticed something that I found to be really awesome. Photographers and Models using Polaroids to create one of a kind pieces of art for their fans to be able to obtain.

So I thought about it. And then thought some more and decided that I too will jump on this band wagon. Not only is it awesome to have a select piece of work from a photoset (I own a few myself) but it also gives back to the artists that created them in a non expensive way. 

Now, I want to say, for me I plan to use ALL profits from the instax images that I sell to further the props and themes I will be able to shoot. And if possible, be able to throw some cash back towards the models themselves. 

So coming soon!! Like REAL soon. So be on the lookout for it and get your favorites before they are gone. Because remember, ONE OF A KIND!

Until next time!

