
So i'm sure, if you are keeping track on social media, that you have asked yourself or even out loud around friends.
"What the hell is a Gor-Gor?"

Well, to give the whole story I have to tangent a bit. So buckle up! Also, stay tuned till the end about info on the store and those sweet Instax!


Have you ever heard one of those songs where you fall in love with the lyrics? The story of what they are saying? It happens to me quite a lot actually. And if you ever find yourself wishing you yourself could do something with those lyrics, you are not alone. In fact, parts of songs or even just song titles alone are some of the things that give me ideas. Idea's to explore or even build on. So that brings us to Gor-Gor. 

Gor-Gor is a song from the band GWAR about a giant crack infused 'roided out T-Rex that has set out for death and destruction. From the album America Must Be Destroyed, fantastic fun album by the way. It's just one of those songs that stays with you in a fun way. Although they do chant Gor-Gor quite a few times so it's sort of drilled into my head by now. 
But anyway, back to how that has any correlation to a photography website. I knew I wanted to do something with color. Brighter images that I could still incorporate my dark style but also be something that was just fun to shoot. And then with the various inspirations I find throughout the internet I settled on slime. Easy to make, great contrast and so versatile as far as texture. And did I mention that its fun as fuck to play with?? Because it was. 
But you may ask, James! What the hell does that have to do with GWAR?!

Calm down, my brain not you and let me finish writing it. (told you there would be tangents, right?)

So calling it Gor-Gor just sort of happened. Every time I was booking a shoot, talking about the shoot, getting supplies for the shoot the song Gor-Gor was just stuck in my head. I found myself singing the damn song while shopping at Walmart for supplies. So in my own weird way I had labeled the theme what we all know and love(hopefully). 
But I wanted a little more meaning to it. I mean, lets be honest here. None of the models actually look like a giant drug riddled dino but we won't hold that against anyone. So I thought, "What if my subjects were the followers of Gor-Gor? And what if these were portraits portraying there love for the beast?" 

And to not end this post with a bang, the rest is history.

So at this time of posting there are 4 sets dedicated to Gor-Gor and I guess you could say as well my love for the band. 

There will be at least one more set that will go live on 5/11/18 as a send off to the theme. Also, for anyone interested in the Instax that I have been previewing, my store will also be going live on that same day. So check back soon! Also, if you are a fan of GWAR, feel free to leave your own favorite GWAR stories in the comments. 


Sleep well David Murray Brockie  (August 30, 1963 – March 23, 2014)
"Happy Death-Day to you!" - GWAR