Goals... give this another go.

It has been a very long time since I have even considered adding a blog. To be honest, I deal with a lot of mental instability towards my self-worth and I never really think anyone has any interest in what I have to say or do.
It takes a lot for me even to say that if I am being perfectly honest. It has gotten heavy in the past few years. I’m still not sure if being open about anything here is a good idea or not. But what I have come here to do, or talk/write about is what I plan to do, and what I have done so far.
First, what have I done so far? I have focused a lot of my energy on writing. I published a short story not too long ago titled Gormagok and put it up on Kindle Unlimited. This is not my first jump into writing or publishing but the first time I felt that it was a beginning. I have a book in the works, on its second draft (probably going onto a third), and a slew of short stories that I am constantly working with. My goal is to put out an anthology or submit these stories to publishers. I want to write. I want to write fiction/horror. As to why, well there in lies my growth. These stories are all, in one form or another a somewhat therapy. If you know me, you know that my past holds a lot of trauma and difficulty. This is me working through it, improving it, and making it my own.
I am also going to be working harder on my photography goals. This is a photography site after all. I am planning a 31 days of toy photos soon and I am in talks with some models to do more concept work, but that can be a slow process.
I plan to update this more frequently, but it sort of depends on engagement with this as well. Either way, these are all goals that I am striving for, and going to do everything I can to achieve them. So please, come along with me.


So i'm sure, if you are keeping track on social media, that you have asked yourself or even out loud around friends.
"What the hell is a Gor-Gor?"

Well, to give the whole story I have to tangent a bit. So buckle up! Also, stay tuned till the end about info on the store and those sweet Instax!


Have you ever heard one of those songs where you fall in love with the lyrics? The story of what they are saying? It happens to me quite a lot actually. And if you ever find yourself wishing you yourself could do something with those lyrics, you are not alone. In fact, parts of songs or even just song titles alone are some of the things that give me ideas. Idea's to explore or even build on. So that brings us to Gor-Gor. 

Gor-Gor is a song from the band GWAR about a giant crack infused 'roided out T-Rex that has set out for death and destruction. From the album America Must Be Destroyed, fantastic fun album by the way. It's just one of those songs that stays with you in a fun way. Although they do chant Gor-Gor quite a few times so it's sort of drilled into my head by now. 
But anyway, back to how that has any correlation to a photography website. I knew I wanted to do something with color. Brighter images that I could still incorporate my dark style but also be something that was just fun to shoot. And then with the various inspirations I find throughout the internet I settled on slime. Easy to make, great contrast and so versatile as far as texture. And did I mention that its fun as fuck to play with?? Because it was. 
But you may ask, James! What the hell does that have to do with GWAR?!

Calm down, my brain not you and let me finish writing it. (told you there would be tangents, right?)

So calling it Gor-Gor just sort of happened. Every time I was booking a shoot, talking about the shoot, getting supplies for the shoot the song Gor-Gor was just stuck in my head. I found myself singing the damn song while shopping at Walmart for supplies. So in my own weird way I had labeled the theme what we all know and love(hopefully). 
But I wanted a little more meaning to it. I mean, lets be honest here. None of the models actually look like a giant drug riddled dino but we won't hold that against anyone. So I thought, "What if my subjects were the followers of Gor-Gor? And what if these were portraits portraying there love for the beast?" 

And to not end this post with a bang, the rest is history.

So at this time of posting there are 4 sets dedicated to Gor-Gor and I guess you could say as well my love for the band. 

There will be at least one more set that will go live on 5/11/18 as a send off to the theme. Also, for anyone interested in the Instax that I have been previewing, my store will also be going live on that same day. So check back soon! Also, if you are a fan of GWAR, feel free to leave your own favorite GWAR stories in the comments. 


Sleep well David Murray Brockie  (August 30, 1963 – March 23, 2014)
"Happy Death-Day to you!" - GWAR

Told you I was bad at this...

To be fair, I did warn you. Granted there are not consequences of any of this. Just adding the drama to the wall. 

Anyway! Sorry it has taken me so long to update this. The day job good but does take a lot of my time. If you follow me on any of my social media, you should be, you probably already seen I am working to build up a few new themes for this spring. One is called Gor-Gor, a slime filled color fest of horror and beauty. It's, in a way a new step forward for me. 

Bit enough of this for now. I am on my phone typing this, battery is running low and I need sleep. 

Be good everyone. And if you are wanting to work with me feel free, please) to send me a message.


2 Weeks out!

Cutting down to 2 weeks left until the big reveal of what I am calling Valentine Vomit (thank you Jennifer for that name).

In my last post I said I would be starting the previews on social media around the 8th or so, but in thinking about it I don't want to take away from the reveal. Sure I will be putting up some sort of teaser images but giving out the whole image, I feel would cheapen it or take away from the full impact of what I am wanting to show all of you. So in that, stay tuned. I know all of the models and I cannot wait to show you the work we have done. 

But sadly with only 2 weeks remaining, that means the first theme for 2018 is coming to and end. Fear not though! I am already in the process of planning the next. I don't want to say too much on it yet but I can say that it will be running from March through June and it has a cool retro vibe. So stay tuned for those updates. 

Now, if you like what you hear already and want to be a part of it. Send me an email or drop me a line on any of my social media sites.

Well, that's all for now! Remember to follow me on IG and FB to stay up to date with the day to day Savage. Until next time, stay good.

It's almost February!

February is a big month for being such a short month. Black History Month, Valentines Day and even my anniversary. To me, there doesn't seem to be any other better time for me to announce my comeback then February. 

So starting sometime in the early of the month I will be posting a new series of shoots that will all build to the 14th. Breaking it down like this.

Each day, starting the 5th I will be posting 1 to 2 teaser images on all of my social media accounts leading up to the reveal of the full sets on the 14th. Fully uncensored! You do not want to miss this. Think of it as my valentines day gift to all of you. These models and I have put in a lot of work to try to bring you something that you will enjoy and make you say wow. I truly cannot wait to post these images! (No really. I have to force myself to not hit the upload button.) 

Anyway, just a quick update. So until next time!


The first one...

.... and honestly I'm not sure how often I will be able to keep this going. The blogs that is. See, I have an issue just talking about myself. I am even saving the about section for last. So as I sit here with fingers on keys, eyes flickering between streaming so rainbow 6 and the toys on my desk, I try to stay focused on what I need to do.